Contact Information
Organizer: Paul Martin
Address: 1681 East Cope Ave.
Maplewood, MN 55109
Phone: (651) 270-3822
Email: [email protected]
Address: 1681 East Cope Ave.
Maplewood, MN 55109
Phone: (651) 270-3822
Email: [email protected]
Why be a Union Worker
In today's political and economic climate, now more than ever, workers need to join together. A union can help create a more level playing field with your employer. Instead of one person telling management that wages should be fair, health and safety regulations should be followed, and employees deserve good health care benefits, a union helps you speak together, in one voice. And that chorus of voices has more power than one lone voice. A union is the vehicle workers can use to help bring the chorus together.
People know about the inequality of power between workers and their employers. Workers want to have a voice at work so they can improve the quality of their lives, their job, and their communities.
Workers employed with the protection of a union contract have basic rights, such as the right to a fair hearing, that their non-union counterparts do not have. Members have a say in their jobs and are more productive due to the increased cooperation and better relations they have with management who they work with as equals in order to remedy situations that might occur at work.
Higher union wages translate into a stronger tax base for local communities. This in turn provides for better schools and healthier local economies. Workers earn more through bargaining for fair pay, stronger benefits, and justice at work. Whether it comes to pay, retirement benefits, health care coverage or security for one’s family, members have been able to secure a better life for themselves through their unions.
Union members are afforded the opportunities to improve and upgrade their skills, wages and responsibilities through union-sponsored education and training programs.
In a time of high unemployment and uncertain economic conditions, the right to retain your job is critical to you and your family’s economic condition. Union contracts establish strict rules about job security and the conditions under which layoffs or reductions in the work force take place. Workers in unionized firms have a clear set of rights which are outlined in detail in their collective bargaining agreements.
People know about the inequality of power between workers and their employers. Workers want to have a voice at work so they can improve the quality of their lives, their job, and their communities.
Workers employed with the protection of a union contract have basic rights, such as the right to a fair hearing, that their non-union counterparts do not have. Members have a say in their jobs and are more productive due to the increased cooperation and better relations they have with management who they work with as equals in order to remedy situations that might occur at work.
Higher union wages translate into a stronger tax base for local communities. This in turn provides for better schools and healthier local economies. Workers earn more through bargaining for fair pay, stronger benefits, and justice at work. Whether it comes to pay, retirement benefits, health care coverage or security for one’s family, members have been able to secure a better life for themselves through their unions.
Union members are afforded the opportunities to improve and upgrade their skills, wages and responsibilities through union-sponsored education and training programs.
In a time of high unemployment and uncertain economic conditions, the right to retain your job is critical to you and your family’s economic condition. Union contracts establish strict rules about job security and the conditions under which layoffs or reductions in the work force take place. Workers in unionized firms have a clear set of rights which are outlined in detail in their collective bargaining agreements.